The 2nd Indy Sofubi Rally - Dealer List

Aliens Park We bring Aliens to your world.
BLUEMOONTOY Born On Earth, Made In Moon
Code Corner We're a toy gallery from Thailand. Thank you very much.
D-ATTACK We design, model, paint and sell original character sofubis. We hope that you enjoy them.
DDL ★ Donguri Dragon Road (DDL★どんぐりドラゴンロード) We're a club that makes sofubi infused with nature. We have lots of strange friends such as the Donguri (Angry Acorns), the Dotoro, and Donyo. Whether you're in the forest or the city, you can find them. Thank you very much.
dune Thank you very much. Dune will be making the things we love for another 100 years.
gumtaro We're kaiju figure maker gumtaro. We'll be selling a range of sofubi including Space Merman Gyogura and Taniku Kaiju Gobira. If they're completed in time we'll also bring our newest works. Please come and buy them.
GUUMON GUUMON, Brian Mahony is an internationally known, veteran toy designer and painter. Guumon is recognized for countless collaborations with artists from all parts of the world.
Hardcore Toys Hardcore Toys is a toy brand established in 2017. A group of designers from Guangzhou in China, we're a brand that specialises in sofubis.
izumonster We look forward to seeing you.
Kaiju One This soft vinyl toy brand targets to play with "east meeting west" element and transform traditional iconic characters to new age soft vinyl toys.
KIKI We've made the sofubis known as Jinzou Shounen Paranoid Ex and Iruka-chan From the Next Dimension. A mechanical styled cyborg and a mysterious two faced individual wearing an octopus. We hope that many people come to learn about them.
kto kto We'll be selling original sofubis. Thank you very much.
LioncToy We've worked as sofubi colorists since 2015. We've collaborated with various designers from China, America, Japan and Singapore. We'd been wanting to design our own sofubi since 2017, and after a year of preparations we created our first work in 2018.
MARUSAN Sofubi is the password of the world! Now in our 96th year, Marusan makes the world smile with sofubi.
mermurstudio An original kaiju born in Taiwan: Mermur
MISHKA Mishka is engineered to destroy!
MMJ Sofubi Rengou (MMJ SOFUBI 聯合) This is Josh from MMJ Japan. After graduating from university I created a company in Nakano and began work as a sofubi designer while also promoting sofubi culture exchanges between Japan and China. In 2019, I created this new brand along with designers Moy and Max from China. In the future we hope to see sofubi reach across Japan, China, America, the UK, Thailand and Hong Kong.
Motor psychology The design of the legendary deformer kit "Diels · Wheel" developed by American plastic model maker, level company in the 1970s, the myriad of advertisement illustration of car magazine, eventually Disney / Pixar's animated film "Cars (Cars)" Motor type cartoon artist, also known as character / design etc, has three-dimensionalized the appearance of the late "Dave Deal" 's appearance and two-dimensional work based on the license agreement with the bereaved family.
OCT CYBER This is the first time we are participating. We draw and create kaiju freely. We'll be bringing a variety of items with us including a new color version of "Moth Kaiju Suzumegasu", our debut work from the winter WF.
Paulkaiju Paul was Born in Bad Mergentheim Germany in 1965. After working for many years in Aerospace and Refineries in the Los Angeles area Paul decided to make a change and follow his interests and produce his own toys using Japanese methods and style. In 2008 Paul moved to San Diego where he currently sculpts, and paints his own toys, which are produced in Japan. Paul is inspired by Vintage toys, Classic Kid's TV, model kits, Underground comics, 60's-70's Girl's Illustration, and classic Manga and Japan SF illustration.
PLANET-X PLANET-X was established in Hong Kong in 2016 as an independent toy label, focusing on the production of collectible soft vinyl kaiju toys. With the aim to achieve a signature aesthetics, PLANET-X has been striving to combine in its toys color scheme and proportion of vintage Japanese vinyls from the 60s, bold and odd ideas from 70s-80s Hong Kong toys, as well as contemporary detailing pioneered by action figures from the 90s.
SCIENCE PATROL X CHOKEHAZRD TOYS Designers // producers of the most creative Japan-made soft vinyl toys.
SQDBLSTR Kaiju, Tsukumogami, Sofubi
Subcon TOY SUBCON TOY BASAL 9inch debut Sofubi toy made in japan by Shirahama Toy. sculpted by cEvin Key of Skinny Puppy. Instagram @ : SUBCON
SYNAPSE TOY Our second time participating. Thank you very much.
Toysbian A toy designer from china. Representative works are cheese. Philip. Monster elementary school?シ稽ini tank. Taxi
UNBOX INDUSTRIES This is our first time participating. We specialise in original and copyrighted sofubis. We have an awesome line-up available from very cute items to grotesque monsters! Be sure to come and see Unbox sofubis!
Vinyl Goldmine,乙 基金 Yokai Yu, an independent Sofubi brand since 2015, devoted ourself with passion and effort to original soft vinyl toy. We will return back to the 2nd Indy Sofubi ?Rally with new toy release as exclusive on May 5 in Nakano.
YOUKAIZAHO I like this kind of Japanese exhibition very much and hope to attend it. Last year I saw it and thought it was well done.

マッドバロン (SDM) まんだらけ限定版
販売価格 199,800円(税込)
Made In Japan

第二回 創作ソフビ決起集会、会場にて抽選販売 15:00~

ZOLLMENの名作、マッドバロンが全長70cm!! のビッグサイズで登場!!

Siccaluna Kobo (シカルナ・工房) We do everything from prototypes to molding and painting. Feel free to talk to us about making sofubi!
Shocking Keikaku (ショッキングKEIKAKU) Thank you for waiting, here's 'Mr Shockman' part 2! We've got lots of fun stickers and sofubi mascots! Ghosts, beasts, cyborgs and many others ~♪. Whether it's work or play, we have a lot of fun! We also have some delicious gum!
Dream Rocket (ドリームロケット) It's our first time! We make the things we like into sofubis, like kaiju and strange things. We paint them very carefully because we want to bring these wonderful sofubi to you! Thank you ♪
Mainagamoto (ナガモトマイ/mainagamoto) ◆Mainagamoto◆ This year we're not merely selling by consignment, we're joining in directly. We'll have lots of things including pictures. We'll see you at the Daimansai Festival! Thank you very much.
Bear Model and Dragon Boy (ベアモデル&ドラゴンボーイ) Sofubi and others.
Red Shark and Kamakiri (赤鮫と蟷螂) The booth for Red Shark and artist Kamakiri
Tokyo Love Me Dou (東京ラブミー堂) We're Tokyo Love Me Dou. Thank you very much.
Makaigan (魔界玩) This is the first sofubi event that Makaigan will participate in. Thank you very much.

Instagram @mdk.sofvi.fes
