Quest inquiry we often but, since there is no Yukiko Okada 's books and goods of the stock is in-stock quite, ” Will Be Available! together in Daimansai Festival!
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” pupil secret color ”

Yukiko Okada essay book by Mr.
Such as feelings toward single-mindedness and family have been spelled out along with a lot of photos for her work.
condition good! !
Next is
” Please love “with obi

Her posthumously published paintings, poetry, diary, is become hot book of breast that was posted, such as mother's memoirs.
Many broken on the corner of the page, there is a little body.
And finally it is here.
” oversized Glico shitajiki ”

A3 size extra large size of! !
condition it is good! !
This item will be sold at May 5, Daimansai Festival venue.
Mail order, reserve please understand we can not accept.
Post by: Morimoto
Translation is done by machine translator.